Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Day 2: The Temple

Text: Isaiah 56:7-8Jeremiah 7:8-11Matthew 21:10-17Luke 19:45-48

"After Jesus tosses out those who would pervert the temple of God into a temple of wealth and greed and convenience, He does something revolutionary: He invites the Least inside." ~ She Reads Truth

 Matthew 21:14 is a verse I have overlooked so many times. After Jesus threw out everyone who had set up shop, buying and selling, then there was room for the blind and crippled to get in. They came to Jesus and He healed them.

"The blind, the lame, the children all come in and Jesus welcomes them, heals them, confirms their place among Him. He cleared out those who profaned the temple and ushered in those who humbly sought after God." ~ She Reads Truth

And are we not God's temple? Are not our bodies His temple?

 Lord, I pray that you take out the robber, the thief in me. Humble me and cleanse me, Lord, that You may use me as a channel of your love for the people around me. I know, Father, that You use vessels no matter how broken they are just as long as they are clean. Cleanse me, Lord. Please use me. Amen.

"See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!" 1 John 3:1

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Day 1: Holy Week: Hosanna

My heart is fickle. I love the Lord with all my heart but my heart is fickle. Even in loving Him I fail to do so perfectly. Only by grace, only by grace can I offer my feeble praises. It's not about me loving and praising Him. It's about Him loving us and offering us salvation no matter how weak our heart and faith is. How great is our God! 

"When our hearts betray us like the crowds eventually betrayed our Lord – He still saves. 
Hosanna in the highest! Salvation belongs to our God." ~ SheReadsTruth

Text: Matthew 21:1-11Psalm 118:19-29Revelation 7:9-12

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Holy Week

"Let us be wrecked, be changed, and find ourselves in humble worship of our Savior." ~SRT

Easter is coming!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

11 Years of Friendship

Tums' mini me. :)
That rare moment that I can be included in a photograph. :)
Some photographs are more beautiful in black & white.
I love candid shots. :)
Is that a grimace?
Why so serious?
Our neurosurgeon receiving updates from his minion, er, junior.
I have to change the settings in my camera, too much blurring on the sides...
Selfie... :)
I just love love love large windows, natural light, and happy smiles that reach the eyes. :)
And this is how you hide double chins if you do not k now Photoshop. :)
Those dimples...

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Isaiah 53:5

I am so awestruck and humbled by how much God loves us all. We did not choose Him, He chose us. And while we were not yet born, not yet sinners, He died for our sins. For you. For me. He made a way for us to get out of the mess we are in long before we knew we needed Him. There is nothing like His love. His grace is truly amazing. Be glorified, Lord.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Spring Has Sprung

No, we do not have spring.

No, we do not have cherry blossoms.

But we do have bougainvillea! πŸŒΈπŸ’•πŸŒΈπŸ’•πŸŒΈπŸ’•

Thursday, April 3, 2014


Anchor (Mindy Gledhill)

When all the world is spinning round
Like a red balloon way up in the clouds
and my feet will not stay on the ground
You anchor me back down

I am nearly world renowned
As a restless soul who always skips town
But I look for you to come around
And anchor me back down

There are those who think that I'm strange
They would box me up, and tell me to change
But you hold me close and softly say
That you wouldn't have me any other way

When people pin me as a clown
You behave as though I'm wearing a crown
When I'm lost I feel so very found
When you anchor me back down

There are those who think that I'm strange
They would box me up, and tell me to change
But you hold me close and softly say
That you wouldn't have me any other way

When all the world is spinning round
Like a red balloon way up in the clouds
and my feet will not stay on the ground
You anchor me back down